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New Deals

20% Off Everything


20% Off Everything

50% off selected items

Just Eat

50% off selected items

10% off with StudySmarter Deals

Urban Outfitters

10% off with StudySmarter Deals

Extra discount at Myprotein with StudySmarter code


Extra discount at Myprotein with StudySmarter code

Get 10% off Allbirds full-price sustainable trainers and running shoes.


Get 10% off Allbirds full-price sustainable trainers and running shoes.

Take advantage of an exclusive 10% student discount on Swarovski


Take advantage of an exclusive 10% student discount on Swarovski

Save Big: Up to 50% Off + Extra 5% with STUDYSMARTER5!


Save Big: Up to 50% Off + Extra 5% with STUDYSMARTER5!

Coming soon

Amazon Music

Coming soon


Featured Brands



1 Deal


1 Deal


1 Deal
Amazon Music

Amazon Music

1 Deal


1 Deal


1 Deal


20% Off Everything

Beauty Deals

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Take advantage of an exclusive 10% student discount on Swarovski


Take advantage of an exclusive 10% student discount on Swarovski

Coming soon


Coming soon

Fashion Deals

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20% Off Everything


20% Off Everything

10% off with StudySmarter Deals

Urban Outfitters

10% off with StudySmarter Deals

Get 10% off Allbirds full-price sustainable trainers and running shoes.


Get 10% off Allbirds full-price sustainable trainers and running shoes.

Health Deals

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Extra discount at Myprotein with StudySmarter code


Extra discount at Myprotein with StudySmarter code

Why StudySmarter Deals?

Top Brands

Top Brands

Exclusive deals from the brands you love as a student.

Thousands of deals

Thousands of deals

Enjoy thousands of deals across a range of industries.

Student Exclusive

Student Exclusive

All of the deals on our website are exclusive to students.

  • I use this all the time now. Got deals on Apple and Lieferando—plenty of categories and good offers that make life easier as a student.

    Ben Mitchell
  • StudySmarter Deals is a must-have for students! Tons of discounts on everything from tech to food. Super easy to use and helps me save big!

    Lily Zhao
  • Big savings on Apple & Lufthansa—what more could a student want? Big platform with lots of categories. Must-have for students!

    Jake Thomas
  • This site has so many categories and great discounts for students! It’s super easy to use and actually helps me save on stuff I need for everyday life.

    Marcus Nguyen
  • Perfect for students on a budget! This platform makes it easy to access big savings and find deals on all my favourite products and brands.

    Sarah Williams
  • Honestly, I rely on StudySmarter Deals for my student discounts now! Lots of categories and helpful deals that actually save me money.

    Alex Johnson
  • This platform has become my go-to for for saving money as a student! Love how easy it is to browse different categories and save on real, useful stuff.

    Chloe Brown
  • Great discounts for students across so many brands! Just got a new Nespresso machine for my dorm, the website is actually helpful for finding deals.

    Jasmine Ali
  • If you’re a student, StudySmarter Deals is a game-changer! Always great offers and real discounts, especially for those of us on a tight budget.

    Noah Fischer
  • With so many brands and discounts on one site, I’ve saved a lot of money! Easy to navigate, and there’s always new deals popping up.

    Liam Carter
  • So happy to find student discounts for Apple! Got a great deal on my new laptop, and it made a big expense wayyy more affordable for me.

    Mia Hernandez
  • I use this all the time now. Got deals on Apple and Lieferando—plenty of categories and good offers that make life easier as a student.

    Ben Mitchell
  • StudySmarter Deals is a must-have for students! Tons of discounts on everything from tech to food. Super easy to use and helps me save big!

    Lily Zhao
  • Big savings on Apple & Lufthansa—what more could a student want? Big platform with lots of categories. Must-have for students!

    Jake Thomas
  • This site has so many categories and great discounts for students! It’s super easy to use and actually helps me save on stuff I need for everyday life.

    Marcus Nguyen
  • Perfect for students on a budget! This platform makes it easy to access big savings and find deals on all my favourite products and brands.

    Sarah Williams
  • Honestly, I rely on StudySmarter Deals for my student discounts now! Lots of categories and helpful deals that actually save me money.

    Alex Johnson
  • This platform has become my go-to for for saving money as a student! Love how easy it is to browse different categories and save on real, useful stuff.

    Chloe Brown
  • Great discounts for students across so many brands! Just got a new Nespresso machine for my dorm, the website is actually helpful for finding deals.

    Jasmine Ali
  • If you’re a student, StudySmarter Deals is a game-changer! Always great offers and real discounts, especially for those of us on a tight budget.

    Noah Fischer
  • With so many brands and discounts on one site, I’ve saved a lot of money! Easy to navigate, and there’s always new deals popping up.

    Liam Carter
  • So happy to find student discounts for Apple! Got a great deal on my new laptop, and it made a big expense wayyy more affordable for me.

    Mia Hernandez

About StudySmarter

StudySmarter Deals is brought to you by StudySmarter GmbH, one of the largest learning platforms and job boards for students and pupils in Europe. We're on a mission to empower students - during your studies and beyond.

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